“A Kafkaesque Odyssey” Variety
After the unexpected death of a father he hardly knew, Wilfrid is coerced to bury the body in his father’s homeland.
He is helped in his quest by a movie director and one of King Arthur’s knights, both farcical versions of Wilfrid’s own psyche.
Along the way, he acquires friends all of whom dream of a better life and when confronted by a war-torn country, Wilfrid finds an additional corpse is one too many. Only if he makes it to the Tideline, will he be able to bury his father.
Following the critically acclaimed Scorched, the epic Tideline is the second play of award-winning Lebanese-Canadian playwright Wajdi Mouawad to hit the Australian stage.
“A magical night. A triumph!” Le Figaro, France.
“Not to be missed” L’Orient-Le Jour, Lebanon
WARNING: Tideline contains sexual references, coarse language and explicit violent war descriptions. 16y+ only.
** TIDELINE is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund. ALL the funds raised via ACF will be equally shared between the cast and crew. To make a tax-deductible donation, please click on their logo below **
DATES 20 – 29 October || Wed to Sat 7.30 pm – Sunday 5 pm
DURATION approx. 2 hours (with interval)
VENUE Chippen Streeet Theatre || 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale
TICKETS $40 Full – $35 (+booking fees)
For more info, please call Anna Jahjah on 0432 714 809 
Directed by Anna Jahjah
Written by Wajdi Mouawad Translated from French (Canada) by Shelley Tepperman
With Lucas Connolly, Kirsty Jordan, Cassady Maddox, Neil Modra, Adeeb Razzouk, Antoine Razzouk, Gerry Sont & Anthony White
Producer: Théâtre Excentrique Assistant Director: Kate Jordan Stage Manager: Rory Kinsella Sponsorships Manager: Hadassa Rorke Lighting Designer: Larry Kelly Sound Designer: Clément Queysanne Production Manager: Gerry Sont Costume Designer: Olivia Auday Set Designer: Anna Jahjah Production Photographer: Mansoor Noor Artwork: David Ortsman
Théâtre Excentrique is proudly supported by
I wish I could buy tickets!
But I’m stuck in California!
oh what a shame… another time Margaret!